Hi, I'm Anna


As a person interested in new technologies
and with engineering background
I've decided to learn new skills.

That is where my journey with front end begins.

Self-portrait Self-portrait



MoneyFinder is an React app for tracking user's expenses on the monthly and annual basis. Application allows user to quickly and intutively add and edit transactions. All expenses are visualized in the form of helpful charts.

MoneyFinder Repo on GitHub


This is my second project on bootcamp and I can proudly say that I've created it from scratch without any tutorials. It is made with plain JavaScript.

Slider Repo on GitHub

Project 1: copying layouts

In this task I've challanged myself to repoduce looks of three webpages: Gmail log in site, nav bar of one theme from Templatemo and Zalando shopping cart.

Copying layouts Repo on GitHub

Guess My Number!

This is the first project I've done during JavaScript online course. In this game you are trying to guess the secret number, which is randomly selected from 1 to 20. Do your best and try to beat your highscore!

Guess My Number! Repo on GitHub

Pig Game

The perfect game to play with a friend! The first who gets at least 100 points is the winner. You collect them by rolling the dice. At any time you can hold your current score and add points to your general score. But don't wait too long - when you roll the 1, all current score is gone and it is the opponent's turn!

Pig Game Repo on GitHub

Bankist App

The Bankist App provides some real life account funcionality. It allows you to send money to another person, ask for a loan or request to close your account. Feel free to try and have fun!

Accounts data (login and pin): am 1111, js 2222, stw 3333 and ss 4444

Bankist App Repo on GitHub

Bankist website

The key features in this projects were: smooth scrolling to sections and page sticky navigation, menu fade animation, lazy loading images and slider component.

Bankist website Repo on GitHub